Namespace: rlDemos


"rlDemos.js" (rlBoot.bootRefugeeLib does not load this script by default)


(static) insertHelloWorldDemo(containerId, engineName, engineWidth, engineHeight, helloText, paletteName, speedx, speedy, fgCycle, bgCycle, charJitter, activationDelay) → {rlEngine}

Instantiates and starts a simple Hello World rlEngine with moving, colorcycleing letters and an also colorcycleing background using the given palette and with the debug overlay turned off.

Name Type Description
containerId string

as described in rlEngine constructor

engineName string

as described in rlEngine constructor

engineWidth number

as described in rlEngine constructor

engineHeight number

as described in rlEngine constructor

helloText string

the text to use for the moving letters

paletteName string

the name of the well-known palette to use ( rlColors )

speedx number

the initial horizontal speed for the moving letters

speedy number

the initial vertical speed for the moving letters

fgCycle number

the logic updates delay between cycleing colors for the letters

bgCycle number

the logic updates delay between cycleing colors for the background

charJitter number

the maximum in pixels for a random letter displacement from its current position on each view update

activationDelay number

the delay in logic updates before the next letter starts moving (they all start at the center of the view)
