Class: rlDataManager


new rlDataManager()

Instantiate an object for loading multiple files(and .metadata files if available) sequentially into dataEntry objects. The loaded files can then be referenced by their key.

If a file named "X" is loaded and a file name "X.metadata" exists and no metadata was set manually, an attempt will be made to JSON.parse the contents of that file and upon success the resulting object will be set as the metadata property of the dataEntry.

zip file contents can be integrated directly into a datamanager as described here.

example: 02-loading-assets


onloadfinished :rlDataManager~callbackOnLoading


onloadprogress :rlDataManager~callbackOnLoading



getEntry(key) → {rlDataManager.dataEntry|undefined}

Get the data entry with the given key (if the key does not exist the result is undefined).

Name Type Description
key string

the key which uniquely identifies the entry to get

rlDataManager.dataEntry | undefined

getKeys() → {Array.<string>}

Get all known keys (sorted alphanumerically).


hasFinished() → {boolean}


true if the current batch of files finished loading



Start asynchronous, sequential loading of a batch of files. Make sure to set onloadprogress and onloadfinished before calling this. Can be called again to load another batch of files after the previous batch finished loading (do not call it again before the batch finished loading).

Name Type Description
sources Array.<rlDataManager.sourceDesc>

an array of objects describing the files to load

unzipAndCollectItems(zipKey, keyPrefix, keepMetadataEntriesopt)

Unzip the contents of a loaded zip file entry and add the contained files directly as dataEntry objects to the data manager, key'ed as their (prefixed) full name as it appears inside the zip.

For every filename "X" within the zip, if there is also a file named "X.metadata" (e.g. "myimage.png" and "myimage.png.metadata") in it, an attempt will be made to create an object from that files content via JSON.parse and on success, that object will be set as the metadata property in the dataEntry.

The entry for the zip file itself is removed from the data manager afterwards.
Utilizes JSZip, so the zip file must conform to the JSZip limitations.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
zipKey string

the key under which the zip file was loaded

keyPrefix string

followed by a slash will be put as the beginning of each full name from the file in the zip to form a new key (or an empty string to just use the file name inside the zip as key)

keepMetadataEntries boolean <optional>

set to true, if the metadata files themselves should be kept as entries as well

Type Definitions


(not an actual type, use object literals with these properties)

Name Type Description
item rlData

the rlData instance assigned to this entry

metadata object | null

only set if defined in rlDataManager.sourceDesc or if loaded from a .metadata file

failInfo object | null

only set if loading of the file within the rlData instance failed


(not an actual type, use object literals with these properties)
used by startload to define sources

Name Type Attributes Default Description
key string

unique id to associate with the file within the rlDataManager

srcURL string

relative or absolute URL to the file

overrideResponseType string <optional>

optional responseType to pass on to rlData#startload

metadata object <optional>

anything you want (e.g. for extensions or additional metadata)
if omitted, startload will attempt to get it from a file named "srcURL.metadata" by running JSON.parse on that files contents (if such file exists)

callbackOnLoading(itemsLoaded, itemsFailed, itemsTotal)

Function signature for callbacks to use with onloadprogress and onloadsuccess

Name Type Description
itemsLoaded number

number of files which were successfully loaded

itemsFailed number

number of files which failed to load

itemsTotal number

total number of files to load