Namespace: rlG2D


Graphics functions to use with a CanvasRenderingContext2D.


(static) drawNormalizedPolygon(G2D, points, sx, sy, width, height, colF, colS, lineWidthopt)

Draw a polygon (defined as an array of 2-element arrays describing points in 2D cartesian space where each coordinate is normalized ranging from 0.0 to 1.0) in arbitrary width, height and colors.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
G2D CanvasRenderingContext2D

the 2D canvas context to use for drawing

points _pointsarray_

e.g [ [0.0,0.0],[0.5,0.0],[1.0,1.0] ] (would define a triangle)

sx number

the left pixel column at which to start drawing

sy number

the upper pixel row at which to start drawing

width number

the width in pixels to draw

height number

the height in pixels to draw

colF string | null

html color code for the fill color (null to disable filling)

colS string | null

html color code for the stroke color (null to disable stroke drawing)

lineWidth number <optional>

the width of the stroke in pixels

(static) drawPalette(G2D, pal, sx, sy, cw, rh, cpr)

Draw the given palette as a table of colored rectangles.

Name Type Description
G2D CanvasRenderingContext2D

the 2D canvas context to use for drawing

pal rlPalette

the palette to draw

sx number

the left pixel column at which to start drawing

sy number

the upper pixel row at which to start drawing

cw number

the column width for the table

rh number

the row height for the table

cpr number

the colors to display per row

Draw the Refugee Lib logo.

Name Type Description
G2D CanvasRenderingContext2D

the 2D canvas context to use for drawing

sx number

the left pixel column at which to start drawing

sy number

the upper pixel row at which to start drawing

width number

the width in pixels to draw

height number

the height in pixels to draw

colA string

html color code for the base shape color

colB string

html color code for the letters color